This section is for me, and I guess also for Milos himself, one of the most delightful of his creative work. He regularly travelled to Europe to meet other emigrant friends and to share some time together in the old world.
Milos liked to travel and each trip became a source of artistic outburst and stimulation for months to come, especially during the ensuing long Canadian Winter nights. During his trips he discretely made little drawing sketches in order to capture a specific moment in time, a place or landscape he wanted to remember, or just for the fun of drawing , with a good glass of wine beside him. Milos was a «night owl», living and working mostly after sunset and throughout the night, even more so once having retired from his teaching position at Laval University in Quebec City. Yet he never did a painting with the appropriate sketch in hand – the sketch has always been in his head and just waited to be transformed into a painting.

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